Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Perfect Climbing day

'The Vent' my first route of the day, the chock stone was only semi covered in ice. Near the top of Y Gully right hand route The 3 routes i did in the morning Climbing up the couloir An awesome photo of a 360 panoramic of cthe Cairngorm Plateau after ascending 'The Vent'

6 Routes in the Northern Corries, Cairngorms Fantastic day in the Cairngorms, Bivied out in the top carpark of ski center after car was starting to frost over on a clear night. It was going to be perfect weather in the morning. Walked into Corrie Lochain Started up 'The Vent' grade II, solo down the Couloir grade I up Y gully right branch, grade II, solo (with helmetcam) down couloir and accross vent to redo with helmetcam but was stacked up with climbers So, back up the Couloir Drop into Coire an T-Sneachda Up central gully, Grade I, solo Drop back in at eastern most point Up Aladdin's Couloir, Grade I, solo down Aladdin's Couloir, up Aladdin's Mirror, Grade I solo - not in condition, corner is on the rocks. Back to car

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