Thursday, June 18, 2009

3k track run

Ran my 5th fastest 3k on a windy track in 10m 24s. Not the best of times but 13s quicker that 2 weeks ago. Slowly getting quicker again as my ankle recovers

Sunday, June 14, 2009

World Challenge Potential Leader Weekend

4 days in Buxton with 8 other Potential Leaders for Expeditions with World Challenge. A fantastic little set up including presentations and an Expedition in the Peak District for 2 nights. We were blessed with fantastic warm sunny, midgy weather. I would recommend looking into this course if you are at all interested with leading expeditions abroard.

Adam with Baby Daniel

This is my cousins new baby boy who was 3 weeks old when I went along to see him. Here he is with me and with his first bit of climbing gear.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Work at Ormside Mill

A weekend of work at Ormside Mill which included problem solving and team building and a climbing session at the Hoff and a Gorge Walk up Hell Ghyll. Fantastic weekend with some guys from the Watford which was a coincidence.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Work for CTTE

Problem Solving work for Closer to the Edge

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Uni House Mate meet up

Had a quick get together with some old friends for a drink in London. I shared a house with these guys, my best friends from Uni. Nick, Kate, Chris and Me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MRI Scan on ankle

Today was the scan on my ankle to find out if there is any lasting damage from going over on my ankle at the Helly Hansen event 7 weeks ago. Fingers crossed i can get it fixed to a good level so it doesn't happen again and i can get back to racing without worrying about it.